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Top 10 IoT Solutions for Industrial Safety

The Internet of Things (IoT) has significantly transformed our daily routines in recent years, to the extent that even individuals who are not well-versed in technology have embraced the convenience, comfort, and valuable information it provides. Whether it’s through connected home gadgets, smart thermostats, remote door locks, or app-controlled appliances, you are likely already familiar with the practicality of this technology in your day-to-day activities. Now let us discuss how Parangat Technologies can help out with hassle-free IoT solutions. 

The truth is that the importance of the Internet of Things is increasing, both for industrial use and for everyday use. It is improving our lives in many ways, and will likely continue to do so. You will learn everything you need to know about the Internet of Things, what the main components are, where it is going, and the best solutions with Parangat Technologies.

What is the Internet of Things(IoT)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical items (or “things”) that use sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet, without needing human-to-human or human-to-computer contact. The Internet of Things is often referred to as IoT, which stands for “Internet of Things.”

These gadgets vary from common domestic items to advanced industrial instruments. With over 10 billion IoT devices linked now, researchers predict that number will climb to 22 billion by 2025. Companies in a variety of industries are increasingly using IoT solutions to run more effectively, better understand consumers to provide excellent service, reinvent decision-making, and boost corporate value. 

When did the Internet of Things emerge?

The concept of adding sensors and intelligence to basic objects was discussed throughout the 1980s and 1990s (and possibly much earlier), but aside from a few early projects, including an Internet-connected vending machine, progress was slow because the technology was not ready. The chips were excessively large and cumbersome, making it impossible for the items to communicate properly.

Before it became viable to link billions of devices, inexpensive processors and low-power were required. RFID tags, which are low-power semiconductors that can interact wirelessly, have helped to overcome some of these problems, as has the increased availability of broadband Internet, cellular, and wireless networks. 

The adoption of IPv6, which, among other things, should provide enough IP addresses for all the devices the world could ever need, was also a necessary step for the IoT to expand. One of the first applications of IoT was adding RFID tags to expensive equipment to help locate it. But since then, the cost of adding sensors and a connection to the Internet of Things has continued to drop, and experts predict that this basic functionality could one day cost as little as 10 cents, making it possible to connect almost everything to the Internet.

Initially, IoT was primarily of interest to businesses and the manufacturing industry, where its application is sometimes known as machine to machine” (M2M), but now the emphasis is on filling our homes and offices with smart devices. transforming it into something relevant to almost everyone. 

However, what prevailed was the Internet of Things.

On the other hand, the Internet of Things is also a natural extension of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), a category of software application programs for process control, and real-time data collection from remote locations to control equipment and conditions. SCADA systems include hardware and software components. The hardware collects and feeds the data into a computer that has SCADA software installed, where it is then processed and presented promptly.

The evolution of SCADA is such that the latest-generation systems became first-generation IoT systems.

Best 10 IoT Solutions

The applications of IoT technologies with Parangat are multiple. It is one of the best when it comes to Adaptive AI Development solutions since it is adjustable to almost any technology that is capable of providing relevant information about its operation, the performance of an activity, and even the environmental conditions that we need to monitor and control remotely.

Currently, many companies from different sectors or branches are adopting this technology to simplify, improve, automate, and control different processes. Below, we show some of the most surprising uses of IoT solutions:

1. Wearables

Virtual glasses, fitness bands to control, for example, calorie expenditure and heart rate, or GPS tracking belts, are just some examples of wearable devices that we have been using for a long time.

2. Smart Home

The smart home has become a revolution in residential spaces and it is predicted that smart homes will become as common as smartphones. Smart Home products predict savings in time, energy, and money.

3. Health

The use of sensors connected to patients allows doctors to monitor the condition of a patient outside the hospital and in real-time. By continuously monitoring certain metrics and automatically alerting your vital signs, the Internet of Things helps improve patient care.

4. Smart City

Smart cities are another powerful application of IoT that generates curiosity among the world’s population. Smart surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban security, and environmental monitoring are examples of Internet of Things applications for smart cities. In the long run, IoT solutions will solve the major problems faced by city dwellers, such as pollution, traffic congestion, and shortages of energy supplies, among others.

5. Industrial Internet

The Industrial Internet is the new boom in the industrial sector, also called the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It is powering industrial engineering with sensors, software, and big data analytics to create brilliant machines.

6. Fleet management

The installation of sensors in fleet vehicle management helps establish effective interconnectivity between vehicles and their managers, as well as between vehicles and their drivers. Both the driver and the manager/owner can know all kinds of details about the state, operation, and needs of the vehicle, simply by accessing the software responsible for collecting, processing, and organizing the data. Even receive real-time alarms of maintenance incidents without having been detected by the driver.

7. Agriculture

Smart farms are a fact. Soil quality is crucial to producing good crops, and the Internet of Things offers farmers the ability to access detailed knowledge and valuable information on the condition of their soil.

8. Hospitality

The use of IoT solutions in the hotel business leads to significant improvements in service quality. The use of electronic keys, which are supplied directly to each guest’s mobile device, allows for the automation of different transactions. Thus, locating guests, sending offers or information about activities of interest, placing orders to the room or room service, automatically charging accounts to the room, or requesting personal hygiene supplies are all activities that can be easily managed via integrated applications that use the Internet of Things technology. 

9. Smart grid and energy savings

The progressive use of smart energy meters, equipped with sensors, and the installation of sensors in different strategic points ranging from production plants to different distribution points, allows better monitoring and control of the electrical network.

10. Water supply

A sensor, incorporated or adjusted externally to the water meters, connected to the Internet and accompanied by the necessary software, helps to collect, process, and analyze the data, which makes it possible to understand the behavior of consumers, detect failures in the supply service, report the results and offer action measures to the company that provides the service.

12. Maintenance management

Maintenance management is one of the most extensive applications of IoT technology. The combination of sensors and CMMS maintenance management software creates a multifunctional tool that can be used in a variety of disciplines and practices to extend the useful life of physical assets while also ensuring their reliability and availability. 

How does the IoT work with Parangat Technologies?

The Internet of Things ecosystem is made up of smart web-enabled devices that employ embedded systems, such as CPUs, sensors, and communication gear, to gather, send, and act on data from their surroundings. Parangat IoT devices exchange sensor data collected by connecting to an IoT gateway or another peripheral device, where it is either delivered to the cloud for analysis or processed locally.

Sometimes these gadgets connect with other related devices and act on the information they receive from one another. The gadgets conduct the majority of their job without human interaction, but people may engage with them to set them, give them instructions, or retrieve data.

The connectivity, network, and communication protocols used with these web-enabled devices are highly dependent on the specific IoT applications being deployed. The IoT can also make use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to help make data collection processes easier and more dynamic.

What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?

Industrial IoT (IIoT) refers to the application of IoT technology in industrial environments, especially as it relates to the instrumentation and control of sensors and devices using cloud technologies with Parangat. Recently, industries have used machine-to-machine (M2M) communication to achieve wireless automation and control. But with the emergence of the cloud and associated technologies (such as analytics and Machine Learning), industries can achieve a new layer of automation and with it create new revenues and business models.

The Industrial Internet of Things is sometimes called the fourth wave of the industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. Below are some of the most common uses of IIoT:

    • Smart Manufacturing
    • Connected assets and preventive and predictive maintenance
    • Smart electrical grids
    • Smart cities
    • Connected logistics
    • Smart digital supply chains

How are industrial IoT solutions improving?

IoT is helping us work more efficiently, live smarter, and gain complete control over our lives, but it is also supporting our well-being behind the scenes. In addition to our smart home devices, IoT is an essential technology in business and industry, giving companies a real-time view of the inner workings of their systems.

From the factory floor to the customer’s doorstep, the Internet of Things offers insights into everything from machine performance to supply chain operations and logistics. Likewise, IoT allows companies to automate processes and save money on labor. It also reduces waste and improves service delivery, making it less expensive to manufacture and deliver goods, as well as providing transparency in customer transactions.

In short, it allows companies to reduce costs, increase security, and improve quality from start to finish, which translates into a benefit for everyone. As a result, consumer items are less expensive to make, shipping is more predictable, and businesses may expand, boosting our economy and creating a higher sense of happiness. 

5 Benefits of the IoT Solutions for Companies

The Internet of Things needs to employ numerous technologies to ensure automatic data transfer, analysis, and response between multiple devices. For example, automation is impossible without Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Machine Learning, while connectivity is greatly facilitated by cloud computing and wireless communication technologies with Parangat.

Let’s see how these characteristics translate into numerous benefits of the Internet of Things(IoT) technologies and services in companies.

1. Improving staff productivity and reducing human labor

Thanks to IoT solutions, routine tasks can be performed automatically, so human resources can be transferred to more complex tasks that require personal skills. In this way, the number of workers can be minimized, which translates into a reduction in the company’s operating costs.

2. Efficient operations management

Another significant benefit offered by the interconnection of smart devices is the automated control of multiple areas of operation, including, but not limited to, inventory management, shipment tracking, and fuel and spare parts management. Ultimately, the Internet of Things can help improve efficiency and productivity in a company.

3. Better use of resources and assets

Automated scheduling and monitoring are implemented with the help of interconnected sensors that enable greater efficiency in resource use, such as better management of energy and water consumption. For example, simple motion detectors can save significant amounts of money on electricity and water bills, making both small and large businesses more productive and green.

4. Cost-effective operation

Due to reduced downtime, ensured by automatically scheduled and controlled maintenance, raw material supply, and other manufacturing requirements, the equipment can have a higher production rate that translates into higher profits. Again, IoT solutions greatly facilitate management within individual departments and across the entire company structure.

5. Improved job security

In addition to the aforementioned benefit, scheduled maintenance is also very advantageous to ensure operational safety and compliance with required standards. In turn, safe working conditions make the company more attractive to investors, partners, and staff, increasing brand reputation and trust.

Smart devices also reduce the likelihood of human error occurring during various stages of business operations, which also contributes to a higher level of security. Additionally, a network of IoT devices, such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors, and other monitoring devices, can be used to ensure the security of a company and prevent theft and even corporate espionage.


The future of the Internet of Things has the potential to be unlimited. Industrial Internet advancements will accelerate due to increased network agility, integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the ability to install, automate, manage, and protect various use cases at hyperscale.

The potential is not just to enable billions of devices at the same time, but also to harness massive amounts of actionable data to automate a variety of business operations. Parangat is in charge of developing ideas into outstanding mobile experiences by offering the best quality online and mobile app development services. We are leaders in offering creative and practical AI, Mendix, and Web 3.0 solutions that make a difference. 

As IoT solutions and platforms evolve to overcome these challenges, through increased capacity and AI, service providers will push further into the IT and web scalability markets, opening up new avenues for growth. Income. The result will be an exciting wave of future IoT application development, brought to life by intuitive interactivity between humans and machines.

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