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Low-Code Advantages: 8 Reasons To Consider It For Your Business In 2023

When it comes to embracing innovations, given the rapid technological changes, low-code is the only way to go, thanks to the several low-code advantages and ease-of-use nature! 

It is practical to see why executives recognize the conventional advantages of implementing low-code platforms and technologies. An organization can open new prospects for innovation by inducing non-IT staff to design their business apps. Approximately 73% of CEOs say their organizations are streamlining workflows and operation processes by employing automation and integrations. The demand for low code slowly but surely increased over the last few years. 

But the question that arises is that what is low-code development? And how does low-code work? Worry not over the unheard-of questions! This article will guide you through what low-code implies, its significance, and why businesses should consider it!

What is low-code development?

Low-code development is a strategy that allows you to create and deliver applications instantly. You do not need to be tech-savvy to design highly-responsive applications, as these platforms require little-to-no hand coding. They present building blocks you can assemble into workflows and mobile or website applications. Some well-known low-code examples include WordPress, Squarespace, Weebly, etc.

Organizations encounter many issues when trying to stay in the market and implement novel technology. As per the survey, 

  • 75% of respondents say their projects are always or usually “dommed right from the beginning.”
  • 78% felt their business is out of sync with overburdening project requirements. 
  • About 55% harbor a clear view of their objectives. 
  • Less than 20% describe the required processes as their business needs articulation.
  • Lastly, 80% disclosed that they spend half their time reworking applications. 

Low-code platforms tackle all these issues single-handedly and promise seamless and smooth application development with workflow automation. In essence, you can leverage low-code app development to readily and graphically design comprehensive apps with advanced user interfaces, integrations, data, and logic instead of penning down hundreds of lines containing syntax and code. 

Why is Low-code important?

Whether you are a businessman creating applications for your company or easing the development process for coders and developers by employing automation on manual tasks, low-code advantages will leave you in awe. Some of the significant features low-code development serves to enterprises that make it indispensable tools are:

  • Reduces Shadow IT

Information Technology (IT) is the second largest sector, with a high need to address the potential skill gaps following data science. Because the development process is typically long, many people design their apps without IT approval. Your organization can avoid this issue with low-code editors approved by the IT department. 

  • Facilitates unskilled developers 

Low-code platforms offer non-IT developers additional problem-solving abilities, allowing regular workers to build corporate apps that help them accomplish tasks faster and conveniently. In addition, it will ramp up the workflows as organizations work in highly unpredictable and unstable markets. 

  • Quick deployment

A low-code platform is designed optimally with functional features. It assists developers in meeting a wide range of complex commercial and technological requirements. These platforms facilitate faster development of robust applications, stimulating innovation and go-to-market.

  • Helps meet Customers’ expectations

Customers nowadays want you to respond fast to their requirements. You can promptly fulfill customer demands by creating and delivering applications using these platforms. You can also offer a customized consumer experience by employing bespoke apps.

  • Eases the work of IT

These platforms liberate skilled developers from routine programming tasks. Low code mitigates this load by automating repetitive and mundane tasks, enabling IT professionals to focus on more critical operations.

Reasons why businesses need Low-code in 2023

What makes low code such a phenomenal breakaway in today’s digital realm? Is it due to its unmatched rate of innovation? Is it the exceptional propensity of such platforms to enable collaboration between IT teams and business stakeholders? 

Low code streamlines the designing of flexible and scalable apps to execute and finish specific tasks. But that is not the only way it assists enterprises in boosting their performance. Further, if you still feel hesitant about incorporating the robust solution in your firm, here are a few of the reasons that will help you make the correct decision:

  • Opportunities for citizen developers

The “new normal” demands organization’s to address the niche pain points and automate tasks using customized solutions. But the rise of citizen development, thanks to low-code platforms, aims to assist enterprises overcome this hurdle. 

Low code exploits graphical user interfaces with drag-and-drop and point-and-click tools to allow non-technical “citizen developers” to design apps using predefined code. They enable citizen developers to build applications by:

  • creating
  • integrating 
  • iterating 

Around 80% of the organizations accept that citizen developers are an integral part of their firms, and individuals outside the IT team with minimal tech knowledge build approximately 60% of the applications. As a result, Gartner estimates that 80% of enterprises will have policies for citizen developers by 2024. 

  • Increased Productivity

The productivity perks low-code carries are apparent. Little code can yield several applications that provide data streams, workflows, onboarding, customer or user experiences, and even AI and machine learning models. 

The following are some of the ways that low-code assists your firm enhance productivity:

  • Low-code development advantages enterprises in cutting down about 50%-90% of development time compared to traditional procedures. You can thus prioritize core and critical tasks at hand. 
  • Low-code platforms employ drag-and-drop interfaces to let developers work quickly and accurately.
  • Developers can build incredible apps in sync with existing systems by deploying easy-to-use APIs and connectors that integrate with third-party tools. 
  • You can facilitate a seamless customer experience by customizing pre-built design templates without obstructing performance.
  • Low code delivers a high level of security and outperforms the standards for the public and private sectors, regardless of your hosting solution.

Low code alleviates the stress of highly technical manual activities and enables you to allocate your precious time to other vital chores.

  • Multi-Experience

MXDP (Multi-Experience Development Platform) allows you to manage an application’s overall lifecycle (Application Lifecycle Management or ALM). Many parts of application development are not so simple that they can be handled solely by drag-and-drop or one-click activities. On the contrary, a glimpse behind the scenes of the entire application lifecycle reveals that some jobs unquestionably need the expertise of a professional developer. 

Low-code advantages development of apps with multi-experience features. They offer various interactive and engaging attributes, for instance,

  • Multi-user
  • Multi-integration
  • Multi-interaction
  • Multi-device 

MXDP supports IT governance by spanning the entire lifetime. MXDPs standardize communication and cooperation between IT teams, professional developers, and the line of business, expediting the application development and deployment process.

  • Uniting IT and Business

When it comes to implementing change, having everyone on the same page is paramount. It implies collaboration between the different areas within a firm – in this instance, business and IT. In addition to fostering citizen developers within the organization, low-code application platforms connect business users with IT, thus strengthening departmental relationships.

Believing IT is a business’s primary source of technological solutions is outdated. Modern low-code application platforms allow the IT team to empower inexperienced developers, partner with them, and mentor them in a controlled and transparent environment. In brief, low code is not a possible risk to IT; it is perhaps the finest answer to shadow IT.

One of the primary issues during digital transformation is that IT teams and businesses do not see eye-to-eye. However, you can rule out this problem by establishing a:

  • Common ground
  • Common goals
  • Common language 

Low code can help effectively and ensure that both parties work well together. IT teams can leverage these platforms to swiftly craft applications for commodity functions and then fine-tune them to offer more quality as your business requires. Or they can invest more time developing unique apps or targeting initiatives that add value to your company.

  • Addressing Process-based Challenges

In the fast-paced world, every company faces the enormous task of digital transformation. Processes and the application platforms underpinning them contribute significantly to attaining the required digital agility. But It is essential to note that all this would be impossible without humans.

However, hiring digital talent can be complicated and expensive. Add to it the fact that there is sometimes a scarcity of competent coders in the talent pool. Low code accelerates digital transformation by eliminating the process-based challenges:

  • Offers extensive integration
  • Easy-to-use tools and interface
  • On-demand flexibility and scalability
  • Adept tech solutions
  • Simple app deployment 

Low code provides a considerable benefit since it involves less technical work, allowing processes to be established or altered by individuals already in the business.

  • Agile Prototyping

One of the low-code advantages is- it lets anybody quickly build prototype solutions for similar problems. You can compare, assess, and evaluate the final results and test which will be the ideal choice for your firm. You can forward the project to development, enabling scaling and integration with other solutions once you decide on one.

When bringing a new product or concept to market, it is critical to understand that you are taking myriad risks. Using no-code or low-code platforms enables you to create products with top-notch quality than a clickable prototype at a fraction of the app development’s cost. It further facilitates you to test features, processes, and value propositions.

  • Quick Iterations

Low-code development platforms offer a plate full of the tools developers require to iterate and update the existing business processes. Business requirements are rapidly changing. Low-code development platforms can address such objectives by providing tools and allowing you to iterate and tweak current processes. 

For example, modifications can be manual tasks by providing documentation and giving revision histories, allowing prompt rescinding of changes if necessary. You can leverage testing facilities to guarantee that processes work well in production.

It makes it easy to have all the project documentation and revision history available so that anybody can immediately grasp anything. Furthermore, implementing an equivalent project can be simple for everyone in the future.

  • Easily Changeable

Low-code solutions give a hand in making necessary modifications and adapting any website or app. You can do so without engaging with tedious codings when your applications need adjustments. 

  • Open the platform editor you are working on 
  • Make the suitable modifications graphically

Isn’t it true that nothing ever remains the same? You can make quick and effortless alterations yourself! You no longer need to worry about discerning the entire code to make a minor change in the app. The two-step process will do the trick when using a low-code platform editor.

Move your setup to a low-code platform!

Low-code platforms have advanced from only nourishing function-specific tools to users. They enable a wide range of business employees to handle and manage their automation, create unique apps without manual coding, and enhance the organization’s capacity at the same time. There are unparalleled low-code advantages, but how to build low-code platforms or select one?

With so many low-code platforms available to develop apps, it is tricky to pick the one that perfectly suits your expectations and needs. The usual tactic to evaluate a low-code platform involves training, discovery, estimate, and proof-of-concept. However, you can easily save yourself from all the hassle and searching by getting assistance from professionals with expertise in this field. 

Parangat is a prominent and evolving mobile application development company led by a competent team. We offer optimal technical services, including blockchain app development, IoT solutions, and Artificial Intelligence, to organizations and individuals. From consultation and designing to deployment and marketing, you can anticipate superior services from us anytime!

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