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Low-Code Automation Myths: What They Are and Why They Are False?

Understanding What is low-code automation? Low-code automation is the process of automating business processes through software, and it’s a growing trend in enterprise technology.

In recent years, low-code automation has become an increasingly popular way for businesses to add new features to their apps with little to no coding. The technology is perfect for companies who are looking to automate repetitive tasks and make it easier for developers who might not have the time or knowledge to code the functionality they need. But what are some of the most common misconceptions about low-code automation? Find out in this blog post! 

This blog post will debunk the myths about low-code automation and why they aren’t true. 

Impact of Low-code

Low-code automation is often thought of as a way to quickly and easily create applications requiring little or no coding. However, this isn’t always the case. While low-code platforms can be used to quickly create simple applications, they can also create more complex applications with extensive functionality.

There are many examples of low-code automation. Some of the most common include:

  1. Automating business processes: Low-code platforms can be used to automate business processes, such as order processing, invoicing, and customer service.
  2. Building chatbots: Chatbots can be built using low-code platforms to provide automated customer support or lead generation.
  3. Generating reports: Reports can be automatically generated from data sources using low-code platforms.
  4. Creating workflows: Workflows can be created and maintained using low-code platforms to automate repetitive tasks.
  5. Managing databases: Databases can be managed using low-code platforms to automate data entry and update processes.

Organizations across a variety of industries are using low-code automation platforms to automate their manual processes and improve efficiency. Here are a few real-world examples: –

  • A large insurance company used a low-code platform to develop an automated claims processing system. The system was able to automatically extract data from claim forms and route the claims to the appropriate department for processing. This resulted in a significant reduction in claim processing time and improved customer satisfaction. 
  • A leading online retailer used a low-code platform to develop an automated order fulfillment system. The system was able to automatically process orders and send them to the correct fulfillment center. This resulted in faster order fulfillment times and improved customer satisfaction. 
  • A major automotive manufacturer used a low-code platform to develop an automated assembly line process. The system was able to automatically assemble car parts and components, which resulted in faster production times and improved quality control.

Low-code platform’s importance and advantages- 

Here are a few advantages that tell why a low-code platform is the future of application development

  • Cost-effective: Low-code platforms are often less expensive than traditional development tools since they require less coding and often come with built-in templates and drag-and-drop interfaces. 
  • Enhances agility: Low code can help organizations be more agile in their software development processes since they can make changes quickly and easily without having to go through a lengthy coding process. 
  • Faster transformation: Low code can help organizations transform their business processes faster since they can develop and deploy applications quickly and easily.
  • Modernization of legacy systems: Low code can help organizations modernize their legacy systems since they can develop new applications that work with existing data and systems.
  • Low upkeep costs: Low code platforms often have lower upkeep costs than traditional development tools since they require less coding and often come with built-in templates and drag-and-drop interfaces.
  • Rapid integration: Low-code platforms can often be integrated quickly and easily into existing infrastructures since they require less coding and often come with built-in templates and drag-and-drop interfaces.

Read more: Low-Code Advantages: 8 Reasons To Consider It For Your Business In 2022

Despite these benefits, some myths about low-code automation still need to be addressed. Check them out!

Debunked Top Low-code Platform Myths

The term “low-code” gets thrown around often and with good reason. Low-code platforms offer organizations of all sizes a way to quickly develop and deploy custom applications without needing expensive and time-consuming professional services.

However, there are still some misconceptions about low-code automation out there. Let’s look at some of the most common low-code myths and dispel them once and for all.

Myth #1: Low-Code is Only for Simple Applications

One of the most common misconceptions about low code is that it’s only suitable for developing simple applications. This couldn’t be further from the truth! While low-code platforms make it easy to create simple applications quickly, they can also handle more complex projects.

In fact, many enterprise organizations are using low-code platforms to develop mission-critical applications that power their businesses. So if you think low-code is only suitable for small projects, think again!

Myth #2: Low-Code is Only For Development Teams

Another common misconception about low-code is that it’s only meant for development teams. While it’s true that development teams can use low-code platforms to accelerate application delivery, they aren’t the only ones who can benefit from this technology. In fact, anyone who wants to build custom applications can use a low-code platform – there’s no need to be a developer.

Myth #3: Low-Code is Only For Large Enterprises

Another common misconception about low-code is that it’s only suitable for large enterprises. This simply isn’t true! While low-code platforms can undoubtedly help large enterprises accelerate application delivery, they are also ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, low-code platforms can be an excellent way for small businesses to level the playing field and compete with larger organizations.

Myth #4: Low-Code is Only For New Applications

Another common misconception about low-code is that it can only be used for developing new applications. This simply isn’t true! While low-code platforms are often used to create new applications quickly, they can also be used to modernize existing legacy applications. So if you have an existing application that you want to update, you don’t need to start from scratch – you can use a low-code platform to do it.

Myth #5: Low-Code is Only For Cloud Applications

Finally, another common misconception about low-code is that it can only be used for developing cloud applications. This, too, is not true! While low-code platforms are often used to build cloud applications quickly, they can also be used to develop on-premise applications. So if you have an on-premise application that you want to update, you can use a low-code platform to do it.

Myth #6: Low-code isn’t secure 

Low-code development is often seen as less secure than traditional development environments. However, this is not the case. Low-code platforms are just as safe as any other software development platform. In fact, many low-code platforms have built-in security features that make them more secure than traditional development environments.

In addition, low-code platforms are constantly evolving to keep up with the latest security threats.

Myth #7: Low code means low customization 

There is a common misconception that low-code platforms are not customizable or only suitable for simple applications. This could not be further from the truth! Low-code platforms are highly customizable and can be used to build complex applications.

Many low-code platforms offer a wide range of customization options, including creating custom widgets and adding JavaScript code. And because low-code platforms use visual drag-and-drop interfaces, it’s easy to make changes to your application without writing much code.

So if you’re looking for a platform that offers flexibility and ease of use, then a low-code platform is worth considering.

Myth #8: Low-code apps don’t scale

When scaling low-code apps, the biggest myth is that they can’t handle large amounts of data or complex processes. This simply isn’t true. Low-code platforms are designed to be scalable and can easily handle increasing amounts of data and more complex operations.

One of the benefits of using a low-code platform is that you can quickly and easily add new features and functionality as your needs change. This means that you can scale your low-code app to meet the demands of your business – without having to start from scratch.

Moreover, many low-code platforms offer built-in scalability features, such as load balancing and horizontal scaling, that make it easy to scale your apps as needed. So, if you’re worried about whether or not low-code apps can scale, rest assured that they can!

Myth #9: Low-code apps don’t require testing

Low-code apps may not require as much testing as traditional software, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need to be tested. Low-code apps can be more complex than conventional software, making testing even more important.

There are a few different ways to test low-code apps: 

  • One is to use a tool that simulates user interactions with the app. This can help see how the app behaves in different scenarios and for finding any bugs.
  • Another way to test low-code apps is to use accurate data. This can be done by setting up a test environment where you can run the app with real data. This is especially important for testing things like data validation and security.

Testing low-code apps is essential for ensuring that they work as intended and for finding any errors before they cause problems in production.

Myth #10: All low-code tools are the same

When it comes to low-code automation tools, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Just as a wide range of traditional development tools is available, there is also a wide range of low-code automation tools to choose from. Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so selecting the right tool for the job is essential.

Comparing low-code automation tools is like comparing apples and oranges. Some tools are better suited for specific tasks than others. For example, some low-code automation tools are better for building simple applications quickly, while others are more powerful and can be used to create more complex applications.

It’s also important to remember that not all low-code automation tools are created equal. Some are more user-friendly than others, some have more features than others, and some are more expensive than others. When choosing a low-code automation tool, you must consider your needs and budget.

Myth #11: It takes longer to develop an application with a low-code platform.  

When it comes to developing applications, there is a common misconception that it takes longer to develop an application with a low-code platform. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Low-code platforms are designed to make application development faster and easier.

With a low-code platform, you don’t need to write lengthy code or have the in-depth technical knowledge to develop an application. All you need is a basic understanding of the platform, and you can start building your application quickly and easily.

What’s more, low-code platforms come with a range of built-in features and templates that you can use to accelerate your development process. So, if you’re looking to develop an application quickly and without any headaches, a low-code platform like OutSystems is a way to go!

Ready To Give High-Performance Low-Code a Try? Let Us Help!

Low-code automation is often misunderstood and surrounded by myths. However, as we’ve seen, low-code automation is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase efficiency and productivity. If you’re considering low-code automation for your business, don’t let the myths hold you back — the truth is that low-code automation can be an excellent asset for any business.

Don’t let these myths about low-code dissuade you from considering this technology for your next project. Low-code platforms offer several benefits that can help organizations of all sizes accelerate application delivery. So if you’re looking for a way to develop and deploy custom applications quickly, low-code may be the right solution.

If you’re ready to try it or want to learn more about the possibilities low-code automation offers, contact us today. Our team of low-code platform experts can help you get started with low-code automation and reap the benefits of happier employees, faster processes, and improved data management.

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