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16 Common Mobile App Development Myths You Should be Aware of

People still treat the creation of mobile apps as a standalone project, leading to myths perpetuating. Companies too frequently approach them as a segregated effort. While IT might need to handle the grunt work, the company’s demands must drive progress. When planning and creating apps, a centralized strategy is essential instead of being guided by distinct functions (such as marketing or sales) or product lines.

We have listed the 16 most widespread myths about mobile app development. Let’s be honest before we get into them. If you don’t reach the industry standard, your clients will not hesitate to stop doing business with you. So let’s dispel some of these fallacies preventing you from creating the ideal mobile application.

Mobile App Development: 16 Most Common Myths

Every client will have a variety of fallacies about their app development process when planning to build Android and iOS (iPhone & iPad) applications. In turn, certain widespread myths about mobile app development discourage your company from creating mobile apps. 

Many perceive failures more than they would without completing the appropriate investigations. Here, we’ve covered a few common myths to avoid before beginning the development phase.

1. Mobile Apps Are Cheaper

The assumption that mobile application development will be cheaper is probably the most widespread myth. However, especially if it is unquestionably true that developing an application is made simpler by having fewer features, this does not imply that these programs are cheap, even when they are extremely straightforward in their design and interface. 

These applications take a lot of time and work to design, and in a similar vein, you must be prepared to spend more on the more sophisticated features you desire. The more complicated your application’s structure is.

2. Mobile Apps Are Only Suitable for Smartphones

Smartphone users make up the most extensive consumer base for mobile applications, which may or may not be accurate, but this does not imply those are the only devices on which these applications can run. 

Numerous additional mobile devices, such as handheld gaming consoles, tablets, smartwatches, etc., can fully utilize these applications to their fullest potential.

3. Developing an Application Is a Quick and Easy Process

It’s a popular misconception that creating a mobile application is a simple and quick procedure. You can develop a simple app much more quickly than a more sophisticated one, but it is still a laborious process that can take several days to many weeks to finish. 

When creating an application, several considerations must be made, including the user interface, the marketing plan, any problems or glitches, the functionality, etc.

4. Cross-Platform App Conversion Is Easy

Each client believes that migrating a mobile app from one operating system to another (such as from iOS to Android) is a straightforward process that can be completed swiftly and error-free by the app development business. 

However, it is not an automatic procedure; developers must create code from scratch for the respective operating system.


5. Mobile Apps Require Promotion

Choosing the right promotions is an easy chore when there is intense competition, and you must navigate a challenging market. But running promotions will cost additional time and money.

Promoting your app increases user engagement, brand recognition, and app downloads. Additionally, you must include eye-catching images, a brief video describing your software, and a description that encourages customers to download it.

6. Application Success Depends on the Functionality

Each application’s success depends heavily on functionality. For example, mobile applications with complex user flow and numerous features won’t be successful. But a successful app will also have a decent user-friendly design and flow.

Hence, the truth is that users won’t care about the complexities of the functionalities; they focus only on the interface and the experience of using your app.

7. If You Have Native Apps, You Wouldn’t Need Mobile Web Apps

Many companies make the wrong decision when considering mobile apps and ask whether to create HTML5 or native apps. Instead, they should ponder the question, Should we develop HTML5 AND native apps?

Mobile web apps are now required regardless of your preference for native apps.

Major companies are starting to notice this tendency growing. For instance, one of the most used native apps across all platforms is provided by Facebook. However, they also offer a sleek mobile web app that mimics the design and functionality of their native app.

These businesses discovered something: Apps for mobile web are required. Users might use a platform that you do not support. The mobile web app serves as a fallback in these circumstances. It functions on all platforms.

8. Building for iOS Is Sufficient

The process of creating native apps is challenging. Choosing a platform to build for is the most essential thought that crosses developers minds. Your app determines everything. 

Although iOS may be the most profitable choice, Windows and Android may also be wise decisions because they will undoubtedly assist. An app that works across all platforms is probably more well-liked.

9. Great Attracting Features Makes an App Successful

While it is evident that the present mobile app industry has shifted in favor of Super Apps—apps with various functionalities to meet a wide range of customer needs—the same DOES NOT hold for Enterprise apps.

When it comes to investing in enterprise Android or iOS app development, the success of the app category rests on providing a small number of features that target particular employee needs.

Therefore, when considering the features, strive to keep them as simple as possible and avoid complicating the user’s experience.

10. There Are No Additional Tasks After Building the App

A mobile application’s development is a labor-intensive and intricate process in and of itself. Making a mobile application involves various techniques, such as enhancing the user interface and incorporating the newest features. The task is not complete, though, because the app is set up and operating. The real effort starts after the program is prepared for public release since the team must thoroughly test it for defects and usability.

A well-thought-out marketing plan is also essential to an app’s success to avoid being overlooked in the relevant app stores. Regular updates are also necessary to maintain the application’s functionality and responsiveness.

11. All Apps Are Made Bug-Free Before Releasing

The idea that your app would have flawless code is ridiculous. While some flaws in your app wouldn’t bother your consumers, app crashes will cause them to leave quickly. They will cling to your program since the benefits it provides to them outweigh any little irritating bugs.

It is crucial to ensure there are no crashes when testing your app. Nobody has any patience or tolerance for that. But in cases of defects, it seems sensible to determine the frequency of the test user scenario and set the priority accordingly.

It is acceptable to let your app launch with a few minor bugs that have not yet been fixed if you have tested it thoroughly for an extended period. Being realistic about this is preferable to striving for perfection, which could prevent your app from going live.

The entire goal of updates is to allow for the perpetual evolution of apps!

12. Developing an App Is Difficult Unless You Are an Expert

The development of a mobile application requires extensive software coding and development. Therefore, it would be beneficial to do some preliminary research on the subject and be familiar with developer languages to refine the idea for the application that is already in your head. Still, it is not essential to be an expert in every area of mobile application development to create the app of your dreams.

13. In-house Mobile App Development Is Necessary

Many think that the only approach to safeguard concepts and advance mobile app development is through internal mobile app development. However, developing mobile apps in-house takes a lot of time and money… something that service providers might not always possess.

Hiring a dedicated mobile app development agency makes you stress-free and helps you get all the accessories of your app ready at a one-stop shop.

14. You Will Get the Traffic Once You Develop and Deploy The App

Perhaps you’re creating an app for your users. You can create one for commercial users or general consumer consumption. Whatever the case is, it takes time for a mobile app to gain users and money. Business users won’t rush to your app until you have a solid plan. The public won’t adopt it. The public won’t immediately download it.

The development of a mobile app is only one small component of the puzzle. Users will disregard it if there is no proper promotion and marketing.

15. The Mobile App Cannot Interact With Legacy Systems

Businesses are making large-scale expenditures in systems like ERP, or enterprise resource planning. However, they are currently focused on creating mobile applications seamlessly integrating with other technology. Unfortunately, Oracle, My SQL, and SAP are just a few of the many backend systems and APIs that are difficult to use on mobile. 

This may slow down app development or make them challenging to use. However, integrating an enterprise-grade MBaaS solution with an API infrastructure resolves problems, and mobile devices may easily access older systems.

16. Building an App Only Includes Coding

Many people mistakenly believe that creating a successful mobile application only involves coding, but it involves more.

Understanding iOS and Android development is a vital requirement, but thoroughly preparing an application from the core idea to the graphics to the covering feature design to the user experience takes excellent capacity and expertise.

Understanding current trends and innovations are essential, as is adapting to new technology and software. In addition, every single use case is unique, necessitating various programming languages, toolkits, and network connectivity solutions for diverse backend systems and data sources.

Debunk Mobile App Development Myths: And, Build Your App In the Ideal Way

Creating a mobile application is not an easy task. But it’s also not overly complicated. A mobile app developer is accustomed to working with contradictions and complexities, and these mobile app myths offer a thorough understanding of how to approach the process.

Don’t let these myths hold you back; stick to the correct mobile app development procedure to avoid getting off course. Get in touch with a reputable mobile app development company with many years of expertise working in the app development market if you want to create a mobile app for your company.

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