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15 Best Android App Development Frameworks to Learn for 2022

While 90% of the smartphone time is spent on using different kinds of apps, the year 2021 accounted for 230 bn mobile app downloads across the globe. 

Further, 87% of the developers across the globe use Android for app development, which is a huge figure as compared to 60% of them using iOS. 

With such a huge attention and market base, it is but natural for the Android app development scene to be fiercely competitive.

Apart from the SDKs and app development businesses, the number of app development platforms is also on the rise. 

Hence, it becomes essential to figure out the best Android app development frameworks, before you venture into the industry as a developer. 

Below, we discuss the top 15 app development frameworks for 2022 and explore what makes them the best 15 frameworks.

So, if you are planning to venture into the app development industry, or are a stakeholder of the Android app development market, take a thorough read. Apart from offering you the best-in-class industry knowledge, this write-up will also help you make informed decisions about your app development ventures.

Let us begin!

Best 15 Android Frameworks to Learn in 2022

1. Flutter

Coming from the house of Google, Flutter is a UI toolkit that assists in native app development and is perfect for developing desktop, web, and mobile apps. The toolkit comes with completely customizable widgets that facilitate the quick construction of native apps. The platform also boasts of a layered architecture that enables faster component rendering, and you can use it for creative Android as well as iOS native apps. 

What makes Flutter Amazing?

Using Flutter means having one powerful codebase for all platforms. You just have to write one codebase that you can use for mobile, web, desktop app development, and much more Hence, it cuts down the app development time greatly and reduces the cost of app development as well. You are able to launch the apps faster and leverage the rich libraries to offer a smooth app experience. 

Another important feature is the “hot reload” that doesn’t require you to reload the app again and again to see every single change you make in the base code. You can make app changes in real-time and fix bigs on the go!

Notable companies using Flutter:

  • Toyota
  • Philips Hue
  • Betterment
  • Stream
  • BMW
  • Realtor.com
  • eBay Motors

Flutter is most suitable for:

Enterprises, SMEs, and Computer Software Industry

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Web, Desktop, PWA
Development Interface Strong CLI tools
Languages Dart
License New BSD License
MVC Architecture Skia
Native API Access Device API
Release Date May 2017
Support Forums Slack, GitHub
UI Elements Rich UI rendering components,  widgets for Material Design and Cupertino
User base 42%

2. React Native

React Native is another leading Android application development framework that continues to give tough competition to Flutter with its amazing cross-platform app development capabilities. Facilitating app development for both iOS and Android, React Native is undoubtedly the best JavaScript library for building native apps for all platforms and devices. You can create platform-specific versions of your app components, thus being able to use the single codebase for all the platforms.

What makes React Native Amazing?

React Native is one of the best Android frameworks that provide an extremely smooth and responsive UI, without affecting the load time. It is a fast, and highly affordable SDK for app development and allows you to publish app updates rapidly. Apart from creating a new app, you can also augment an already existing app using React Native. 

As a number of companies are looking for faster development deployment of android apps, React Native is one of the top app development frameworks to learn and master. 

Notable companies using React Native:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook Analytics, Ads Manager, Facebook
  • Coinbase
  • Oculus
  • Shopify
  • Tableau 
  • Flipkart
  • Mercari

React Native is most suitable for:

Businesses of all types and all scales, ranging from SMEs to enterprises

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Web, UWP
Development Interface React Native CLI
Languages Javascript and Native
License MIT License
MVC Architecture Flux and Redux
Native API Access Javascript and Third-party libraries
Release Date March 2015
Support Forums StackOverflow, GitHub, Dev Community
UI Elements Native widget
User base 38%

3. Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch or Touch is one of the mature Android mobile app development frameworks that cater to some of the most demanding app development needs. Though it has the best Ext JS characteristics, it is way more advanced and utilizes HTML5, CSS3, and ECMAScript5. It is a cross-platform app development SDK that is an amazing choice for enterprise app development. 

Using Sencha Touch, you can create apps with engaging layouts and animations to maximize the UI functionality across multiple devices. It comes with various powerful in-built features such as hosting meaty analytics and the ability to manage millions of data blocks at a time with its robust architecture. 

What makes Sencha Touch so amazing?

You can use it across all the latest platforms, such as Tizen, Blackberry 10, Win Phone 8.1, Android 2.3+, and iOS 6+. With its amazing functionalities, you can create data-intensive and cross-platform apps for web and mobile devices. 

Notable companies using Sencha Touch:

  • CloudTrains
  • Softserve solutions Pvt. Ltd.
  • Celestial Systems
  • CM First
  • Compustrom

Sencha Touch is most suitable for:

It is the perfect SDK for all types of enterprise business use cases as well as high-performing apps that require intense performance or analytics-related aspects. It is one of the best android app development frameworks for developers to learn in 2022, as it is going to gain momentum at a rapid pace. 

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile and Web
Languages HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript
License GPLv3 or Commercial
MVC Architecture MVC pattern separates all – the application data, control code, and view
Release Date June 2015
Support Forums Sencha forum and GitHub
UI Elements DOM manipulation interface
User base 7k+ companies

4. Xamarin

The next name in the best Android framework list is Xamarin, which is also an open-source platform for building high-performing apps for Windows and iOS as well. It is .Net based platform from Microsoft that offers a highly comprehensive development ecosystem with backend, API, components, etc. 

It supports a wide number of libraries, tools, and programming languages and as a learner, you can get robust support from a highly active online community. Xamarin draws its strength from its ability to provide distinctive end-user experiences and an abstraction layer that facilitates communication between the shared code and platform code. 

What makes Xamarin Amazing?

If you know C# and .NET, then you are can easily create apps in Xamarin for a large number of platforms, such as Windows, Mac desktop, Android, and iOS. This ability to create apps for different platforms via a single language is a huge advantage for developers as well as managers and team leads. 

Xamarin offers unparalleled manageability throughout the product development lifecycle and provides many ways for code sharing across multiple platforms, such as Portable Class Libraries, Shared Projects, etc. Finally, Xamarin apps work directly on the hardware instead of abstractions and allow you to take advantage of platform-specific hardware acceleration.

Notable companies using Xamarin:

  • BBC Goodfood
  • Alaska Airlines
  • JustGiving
  • American Cancer Society 
  • UPS Mobile
  • BBVA

Xamarin is most suitable for:

Xamarin is the perfect app development platform for developers that wish to share code, write cross-platform applications, and test business logic across different platforms.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Web, Desktop, PWA
Development Interface Xamarin Forms, Android Designer, Visual Studio
Languages HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
License MIT License
MVC Architecture Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
Native API Access .NET
Release Date May 2020
Support Forums Stackoverflow, Xamarin Community Forums
UI Elements Standards-based and Rich UI components
User base 11%

5. Ionic

Ionic app development framework is specifically designed for building hybrid and interactive mobile apps and has a structure similar to the web development frameworks. It offers a rich set of elements, animations, gestures, and tools to facilitate the development of high-quality desktop, mobile, and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

As you can use a single codebase for creating different types of apps, you can launch apps at a fast pace. Another powerful benefit Ionic offers are its ability to impart a premium user experience and appearance to your apps. So, you can also use it to customize the default or existing UI of any app. 

While Ionic helps you create user-friendly apps, it is limited to the plugin dependency, which makes it rank below its competitors, like React Native and Flutter. 

What makes Iconic amazing?

Iconic integrates effortlessly with a number of other popular libraries, such as AngularJS, and makes app development lightning fast with its unique functionalities, such as health kit, fingerprint authentication, and Bluetooth. It is one of the best Android mobile app development frameworks and is easy to learn and master. 

Further, the platform hosts a simple Command Line Interface (CLI) to build apps with fantastic display performance, logging, live reload, etc. Finally, you can access different framework components, such as GPS, camera, etc.

Notable companies using Iconic:

  • General Electronics
  • NHS
  • The Home Depot
  • Electronic Arts
  • Aflac
  • NBC

Iconic is most suitable for:

Iconic is most suitable for start-ups, and SMEs working in Android application development and web development. It is being used by more than 5 Million developers in 200+ countries to create powerful desktop, mobile, and web apps. 

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Web, Desktop, PWA
Development Interface Simple CLI
Languages HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
License MIT License
MVC Architecture AngularJS
Native API Access Native plugin library, using Cordova and Capacitor
Release Date November 2013
Support Forums Ionic support forum, Ionic Slack, StackOverflow
UI Elements Standards-based Rich UI components
User base 16%

6. Corona SDK / Solar 2D

Corona SDK, now Solar 2D, is an extremely powerful and easy-to-learn cross-platform framework that helps you create apps and games for mobile and desktop devices. What makes it one of the best android app development frameworks to learn in 2022 is its versatility. This means you can create an app and publish it to a large number of devices, such as Mac desktop, Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, iOS devices, and Android devices. 

The platform is based on Lua – an open-source scripting language that is lightweight, powerful, and helps create apps at a fast pace. You can extend the Corona Core for introducing features like analytics, media, in-app ads, etc. Corona SDK allows you to develop apps for mobiles, desktops, and connected TV devices from a single codebase and also offers any native call to libraries, such as (C/C++/Java/Obj-C) or APIs.

What makes Corona SDK amazing?

Corona makes the development process fast and allows you to update the app code and see the results via the instant-update simulator. Also, when you are ready to deploy the app on a real device, you can create and deploy the app just once and then update assets/code automatically all over the local network. Some other perks of using Corona SDK are lightweight scripting and blazing-fast OpenGL graphics. 

Notable companies using Corona SDK:

  • Designer City (game)
  • Zip Zap
  • Gunman Taco Truck
  • Warcraft (Game)
  • Fun Run 2 (Game)
  • Angry Birds (Game)
  • The Lost City (Game)
  • Beasts Battle 2 (Game)

Corona SDK is most suitable for:

If you are a game developer or wish to make an entry into the scene, Corona SDK is the best place to start. However, this doesn’t mean that the SDK is not for the app developers. It ranks among the top few Android frameworks and libraries that are perfect for versatile and general development. The most suitable business use cases are SMEs to start-ups. 

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile and Web
Development Interface Interactive Corona Simulator, Drag and Drop  GUI
Languages Lua
License Freeware
MVC Architecture AngularJS
Native API Access Game Controllers, MVVM
Release Date December 2009
Support Forums Corona support forum
UI Elements UI Designer, UI frameworks, and plugins
User base More than 500k developers globally

7. NativeScript

NativeScript is another popular android app development platform that allows you to use platform APIs directly, all the while using JavaScript. It facilitates fast app development and is one of the best options for hybrid app development. It is a completely free app development framework with open source libraries and allows creating truly native mobile apps with JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js, Angular, etc. 

The tools in NativeScript are easy to use and don’t require you to possess mastery over major web skills without downgrading the overall user experience. You can include additional plugins and templates for making your application more adaptable. Another powerful feature is the detailed and reliable backend support.

What makes NativeScript amazing?

You can reuse your web skills in CSS and JavaScript in NativeScript for creating truly native apps. The platform boasts of deep integration with popular JavaScript frameworks such as Vue and Angular, which reduces the overall learning curve. Another powerful point is the ability of extensive code sharing between mobile platforms and web apps. 

Notable companies using NativeScript:

  • FinTech Consortium
  • Beachy
  • Workbox
  • Monogramm
  • Traverse LLC
  • GeekyAnts

NativeScript is most suitable for:

SMEs and start-ups are the perfect business use cases. The platform is still not ready for large enterprise apps with increasingly complex business ecosystems. However, the software is one of the best options to launch apps at a fast pace without compromising with the user experience. So, it is undoubtedly a must-learn android application development framework for 2022.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Desktop, Web and PWA
Development Interface CLI, VS Code, Sidekicks, Plugins
Languages JavaScript, CSS, Angular
License Apache 2, Open Source
MVC Architecture Composable MVVM
Native API Access Javascript API
Release Date March 2015
Support Forums Stack Overflow, Slack, Github
UI Elements NativeScript UI
User base 5%

8. Mobile Angular UI

Mobile Angular UI is a leading open-source framework that facilitates fast app development if you have an already existing knowledge of Bootstrap and AngularJS. It is used to create hybrid mobile apps and offers a fully responsive app development framework, which comes with many default mobile components. The framework ensures a great user experience and any web app created using Mobile Angular UI can be converted to a mobile app without any hassle.

Mobile Angular UI is one of those Android frameworks and libraries that prioritize excellent user experience and uses powerful libraries for delivering the same, such as fastclick.js, overthrow.js, etc. If you encounter any problem during development, you can rely on robust support from the extensive developer community. 

What makes Mobile Angular UI so amazing?

The platform allows the creation of HTML5 hybrid mobile apps with impeccable user experience and comes with a little learning curve. And, if you know Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS, then you don’t have to invest any time and effort in learning Mobile Angular UI. It offers a number of components, such as switches, overlays, sidebars, scrollable areas, etc, and AngularJS directives to facilitate a better mobile experience. 

Notable companies using Mobile Angular UI:

  • KOREM Inc
  • Incresol
  • New World Systems Corporation
  • Tanisha Systems

Mobile Angular UI is most suitable for:    

The framework is perfect for SMEs and start-ups and lacks the ability for catering to complex and highly functional enterprise apps. However, it is in demand and continues to be one of the best android app development frameworks in 2022.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile
Languages AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap
License MIT License
Release Date September 2016
Support Forums Github
User base Nearly 1%

9. JQuery Mobile

JQuery Mobile android application development framework is a touch-optimized framework that is based on HTML5 and is used to create highly responsive apps and websites. What makes it one of the names on our Android framework list is its ability to create apps that you can access using multiple devices, such as tablets, desktops, smartphones, etc. 

The platform supports a number of operating systems, such as Firefox, Mac OS, Kindle, Blackberry, Windows, etc.

Another powerful feature is the ThemeRoller which enables customization across all the apps and comes as a drag-and-drop coloring option to get apps with polished colors. The framework uses CSS3 properties for making the overall app pleasing to the eyes. 

What makes JQuery Mobile so amazing?

The framework is pretty easy to learn and use. It is highly flexible and is uncomplicated as well. It is highly agile and demonstrates progressive enhancement for high-end devices and graceful degradation in less capable devices. You can include an easy-to-use API that supports touch, cursor, and mouse focus-based user input. 

Some other plus points include cross-platform capabilities, lightweight size, UI widgets, and responsiveness. 

Notable companies using JQuery Mobile:

  • Human Rights Campaign Inc.
  • PointClickCare Corp.
  • Community Health Systems Inc.
  • ModusLink Global Solutions Inc.

JQuery Mobile is most suitable for:

With its powerful features and polished branding features, JQuery Mobile is a perfect skill for developers that wish to create highly responsive and branded apps. You must learn this framework if you wish to develop apps for trendy mobile devices and desktops.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile and web
Development Interface Corporate Design, Widgets
Languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript
License Dual-licensed (MIT and GPL)
MVC Architecture ASP.NET
Native API Access jQuery and jQuery UI
Release Date October 2010
Support Forums Github, jQuery Support Forum, jQuery Meetups
UI Elements UI Widgets and touch-friendly form Inputs
User base 16%

10. Native Android

Native Android is also a leading android application development framework that ranks among the top mobile app development frameworks across the globe. The SDK offers API libraries and app development tools that are necessary to create, test, and debug excellent apps for Android devices.  

What makes Native Android so amazing?

The SDK is easy to use and helps in creating highly responsive apps for android devices. You can reuse the code and also customize the already existing apps easily. The speed of development is easy and its rich libraries make for a thorough SDK for app development.

Notable companies using Native Android:

  • Google
  • Slack
  • Instacart

Native Android is most suitable for: 

Developers that wish to implement parts of their apps in native code, via C and C++ languages. Native Android facilitates accessing some of the native libraries directly from the native code. The Native Android is one of the best Android framework studios for game developers as it offers them an incredible reach with more than 2.5 million active devices per month.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile
Development Interface CLI, Jetpacks
Languages Java
License Open Source
MVC Architecture Android development MVC
Native API Access Java framework APIs
Release Date October 2009
Support Forums Android community, Stackoverflow
UI Elements Intuitive native UIs
User base 5.9M  developers

11. Framework7

Framework7 is one of the latest entries on the android application development framework scene and allows you to build full-featured apps for Android, iOS, and desktop devices. It is a free and open-source SDK that you can use to develop mobile, web, and desktop apps with a native look and appeal. One of the best features is its ability to show you a working app prototype as soon as you wish. 

It comes with a stunning set of rich UI components that makes it possible to create highly appealing PWAs as well. Framework7 also comes with extra tools such as NW.js and Electron. If you wish to learn a platform that comes with minimum language requirements, then, Framework7 is one of the best options, as you have to know only CSS, HTML, and JavaScript for using it. 

What makes Framework7 so amazing?

Apart from the Vanilla JavaScript library, it provides React, Vue.js, and Svelte components for allowing structured data, syntax, and uncomplicated data bindings. It has a rich ecosystem with various components, such as Core, CLI, Icons, plugins, templates, forums, etc. 

Notable companies using Framework7:

  • Otelinks
  • Tanmer
  • Ristoranti.it
  • Tokodistributor
  • CodersRanks
  • Ziyuno
  • KatKat Game

Framework7 is most suitable for: 

If you wish to be well-versed with the latest app development platforms and have a good grasp of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, then this framework is for you. However, you must keep in mind that this one focuses more on Google Material Design and iOS. But, its amazing feature set is making it highly popular in the Android app development segment as well.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, PWA, Web, Desktop
Development Interface Framework7 CLI, Templates, Icons, Plugins
Languages JavaScript, Vue.js
License Open Source, MIT License
MVC Architecture DOM7
Native API Access Apache Cordova, flexible router API, Framework7 API
Release Date August 2019
Support Forums Github, Framework7 Forum
UI Elements In-built UI elements and Widgets
User base 11%

12. Appcelerator Titanium Android Framework

Appcelerator Titanium is also an open-source and cross-platform app development framework that is available for free. It offers a quick prototyping feature and also promotes quick usage for faster app development. Appcelerator Titanium SDK is one of the best android app development frameworks for 2022 because it allows you to test and deploy the apps all at once. 

You can use a single JavaScript codebase to create truly native apps that enable you to reduce the time and money spent on every app development. When you use this SDK, the app code is saved on cloud servers that allow you to access the app codes anytime and from any device.

What makes Appcelerator Titanium so amazing?

You can start the development with the basic skill set, such as JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, and don’t need to know Java or Obj-C. The SDK is extremely easy to use and comes with zero learning curve. It is super fast and offers access to native APIs for a number of operating systems, such as Universal Windows, iOS, HTML5, Android, and Blackberry. 

Notable companies using Appcelerator Titanium:

  • Ninehertz India Pvt Ltd.
  • ConsultingWhiz LLC
  • Infuser Consulting
  • HappLabs Tech Inc
  • Ushyaku Software Solutions LLP
  • Bridge Global
  • Onpoint Insights LLC

Appcelerator Titanium is most suitable for: 

It is perfect for creating apps for all types of business use cases and is a perfect platform for developers looking for creating native mobile apps from a single JavaScript codebase. It offers amazing performance and is super fast. Also, it caters to a wide range of operating systems, which makes it all the more right for developers seeking versatile frameworks. 

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile, Web, Desktop
Development Interface Titanium CLI
Languages JavaScript, HTML5, CSS
License Apache Public License v2
MVC Architecture Titanium-based MVC
Native API Access JavaScript API
Release Date June 2009
Support Forums Stackoverflow
UI Elements Standards-based rich UI components
User base 900k+ Developers

13. SproutCore

SproutCore is a blazing-fast open source android application development framework that allows you to offer innovative user experiences on the web. It comes with a powerful set of features and capabilities, such as amazing theming, incredible speed, Clean MVC architecture, native experience on the web, HTML5, and impeccable scaling with the business. Some other powerful and sophisticated features of SproutCore comprise Cocoa-inspired KVO, a fully queryable in-memory database, rich, responsive, and highly-optimized view layer. 

What makes SproutCore so amazing?

The view layer is built on top of the fastest web stacks and the SDK is an explicit state machine for creating well-organized apps with easily maintainable app code and business logic. You can get easy offline support via Cordova and AppCache. Finally, it comes with built-in regulatory-compliant accessibility.

Notable apps using SproutCore:

  • Kobo
  • Learndot
  • Mappu
  • GestiXi
  • Wheelz
  • Eloqua
  • NPR
  • Hubbub

SproutCore is most suitable for: 

While this SDK might not help you create fancy web pages or drop-in widgets, you can build feature-rich high-performing apps that run in browsers. It utilizes the best practices from the app development space and also allows you to build apps that deliver cross-platform desktop-level productivity. 

Key Features:

Deployment Options Web
Development Interface Native-style interfaces
Languages JavaScript, HTML5
License MIT License
MVC Architecture Clean MVC Architecture
Release Date February 2015
Support Forums IRC channel, GitHub, Gitter Channel
UI Elements Standards-based UI components

14. Cordova

Cordova or Apache Cordova was earlier known as Adobe PhoneGap that was called Nitobi earlier. Now, this is one of the leading Android framework studios that offers app building with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. You can target multiple platforms with a single codebase and also reuse the code across platforms without any hassle. The SDK offers support for offline scenarios and allows access to native device APIs as well. 

It is a developer-friendly android app development framework that comes with various hardware features, such as a camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc. 

What makes Cordova so amazing?

It allows for faster app development with a single codebase that you can reuse across multiple platforms. It also comes with third-party app management solutions and can be used for various platforms, such as iOS, Android, Electron, OSX, and Windows. 

Notable companies using Apache Cordova:

  • Sentry
  • WebStorm
  • Meteor
  • Strapi
  • BItrise
  • OutBrain

Cordova is most suitable for: 

If you are looking to learn a framework that is versatile, comes with rapid app development features, and doesn’t require lots of technical expertise, this one is perfect for you.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile
Development Interface Native-style interfaces
Languages CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5
License Apache License 2.0
Release Date 2009
Support Forums Stackoverflow
User base 16%

15. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM)

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) is a great android application development framework that is simple, concise, and highly expressive. You can write correct code with high readability without much hassle and is a perfect choice if you are starting a new native Android app. It allows you to use a single codebase for creating the business logic for both the iOS and Android apps. 

What makes Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) so amazing?

You can make an existing app suitable for multiple platforms without any hassle as the SDK offers great code reusability. You can migrate the app code in stages and in case you are not able to solve a task in the shared code, you can use the actual pattern for seamlessly writing the platform-specific code. 

Notable companies using KMM:

  • Philips
  • VMware
  • Down Dog
  • Quizlet
  • Netflix
  • Yandex
  • Autodesk

KMM is most suitable for: 

KMM can be used for all kinds of business use cases. Developers who are seeking versatile Android frameworks and libraries for app development can go for it without a second thought.

Key Features:

Deployment Options Mobile
Development Interface Native-style interfaces
License Apache 2.0
Release Date July 2011
Support Forums Slack, Reddit, Twitter, Stackoverflow, Kotlin forum
User base 2%

How to Choose the Best Android Application Development Framework?

The Android framework list can get a bit intimidating at first, especially if you are a beginner in the app development industry. However, it is never the number, that matters when it comes to the overall app development quality and its performance. 

For the developers, the career aspirations must be panned as follows:

  • Find your core interests and strengths
  • Opt for the framework that has a decent market share, especially in your country
  • Keep on enhancing your skills by learning new android app development frameworks that are similar to the ones that you are already using 
  • Never stop or limit yourself to a particular framework as the industry disruptions can make it obsolete overnight

If, however, you are a business owner looking for the best framework options for your apps, then we recommend opting for app development companies that demonstrate exceptional performance in terms of:

  • Expertise 
  • Types of platforms
  • Types and scale of business use cases

At Parangat.com , we have an exceptional professional team skilled in all the mentioned frameworks and more, including software testing services. To start your app-building discussion, please contact us today!

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